Helping Stray Cows

                             Anandam Project 2023

Anandam Project aims to instil the joy of giving and sharing in young people through community participation, helping them to be responsible citizens and be initiators of change for a healthy society.

A daily act of goodness and charity will infuse the habit of community service in students.

Happiness is not in acquiring things but permanent happiness comes from giving, sharing, and caring for someone.

Community services programs are very effective for students’ personal and social, ethical, and academic development.


Synopsis of the Project

This project’s main aim is to tackle the suffering and hunger accounted for the street animals and the cruelty that takes place with them. A few weeks ago, a video was accounted where a grocery store owner strangled a dog with a bike and was beating him with a bamboo stick, people were only ‘enjoying’ it from a distance not taking matters into their own hands, this was recorded by a teenager who was in no shape to be able to stop the grocery. The dog was found dead by the teenager.

I was not able to help that dog but what I can do is help the dog who lives on my streets and feed him and help nourish him, not only dogs but cows and any other animal as well.

Helping Stray Animals

Strayed or lost … what to do? When you find a stray animal wandering, what steps should you take to help reunite them with their owner and keep yourself safe? “One should be careful when approaching a stray animal,” says Dr. M.A. Crist, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.

“If the animal is injured or scared it may inflict bite wounds or scratches to the person approaching or trying to handle the stray animal,” explains Crist. “Because the animal has an unknown vaccination history, we do not know if this animal has been vaccinated for rabies therefore it is recommended that experienced personnel handle stray animals.”

Why Help Cows?

I am here to express my pain regarding Stray Cows. We may see a lot of stray cows in our day-to-day life hungry, thirsty, and physically challenged. I felt to do something regarding this, but the count of stray cows is very high.

The cow is the mother. It is said that before getting a human birth one has to pass through the yoni of a cow. And after leaving the human body, the soul once again enters the body of a cow before treading its journey beyond or below as per individual karma. Whenever a death happens in a house, you will always find a cow or a bull straying around, for this reason only. This is also the reason why offerings are made to the cow for propitiating one's ancestors.

Why the cow? Because cow holds within it the power of Gayatri, the mother. Have you ever noticed the hump of a desi cow? It carries a specific Nadi called the Surya Ketu Nadi. This Nadi absorbs the frequencies from the sun, moon, and all the luminaries of Creation. Service to the cow - saving it, nurturing it, and protecting its calf - has the effect of transferring this positive frequency to an individual which may then be used for negating imbalances in the body, environment, or for the upliftment of the soul. On the other hand, killing or harming this being, consuming its meat, has the opposite effect - breeding disease, and paving the way for lower painful births. All religions and cultures of the world, and even modern medicine accepts, that cow beef spells disease in a human.

How to help Cows

1. Hydration and nutrition: You need a bucket, water, a bag of flour, and some salt. Fill half a bucket with water. Add 6-7 hands of flour and half a hand of salt. Mix properly. This mix will help the cow to be hydrated and nourished.

2. Food: Provide the cow with any fruit/vegetable scraps, vegetables, fresh fodder, or clean straw soaked in water.

Once you start feeding a calf it will probably come back to your neighborhood.

For a more permanent solution, you can make a simple feeding station. Place two earthen pots (plastic ones will be stolen) in a public place, for instance, a neighborhood shop or a temple. Fill one with water and the other with greens or fodder. Ask neighbors to leave their leftover scraps or fresh vegetables at the station. Make sure the water is refreshed regularly.


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